June 20, 2024

If you own something

[From The Desk Of  Doug Crosdale ).

Dear Proprietor:

XDALE has announced the public sale of its first  batch of Art Patronage NFTs. These ERC721 tokens, inspired by XDALE founder Doug Crosdale, will help the company set up a new era for Art Patronage projects with the help of the crypto community.

The new PoC concept at work

Project number two is an APP (Art Patronage Project) from an undisclosed Developer that will provide 60% of its production needed for a physical real estate art space. It will also provide wall space, studio space, and exhibition space in a commercial shopping mall dedicated to interior designs, sculptures, etc. That project has expected rewards of 6650.000 XER. The NFT price for this venture is 195 USDC and requires locking 380 XER tokens per mint.

XDALE founder Doug Crosdale, said: “XDALE is focused and working hard completing the objectives and vision put in place when we founded it. From today forward anyone will be able to work with the art community and directly support Art Patronage projects. Improving Art Patronage access, their structures, drastically enhancing access to masterpieces and the impact on the world of art and design. Most importantly, everything will be done through a completely decentralized and transparent system thanks to the blockchain.”

XDALE Managing Director Paolo Pastore adds: “Using NFTs as proof of contribution to Art Patronage projects allows us to create a new market, keeping those contributions liquid if there is demand for them. This was not possible before: funds deposited would have been locked in the whole project duration with no chance of getting them back before the end. Now, by selling an NFT, contributors can easily move out from their position”

About the NFTs

Contributing to Art Patronage Projects is reserved to XER token holders willing to lock their tokens for the whole duration of the project. Locked tokens generate rewards coming from the 1% of platform savings generated by the approved Art Patronage Projects. Rewards are proportional to the number of tokens locked.

Every XDALE NFT is a proof of contribution NFT with utilities attached, providing holders with rewards coming from the increased value of underlying artwork of the patronage got the contributions. Moreover, the XER NFT lets holders participate in a private sale phase for new projects published on the platform. NFT holders can reserve an amount of NFTs equal to the number of XER they hold. Plus, they gain discounts on XER use, including staking/using less XER to mint future NFTs. 

The NFTs issued by XDALE draw elements from co-founder Doug Crosdale’s inspiration. All artworks will be revealed after the actual implementation of the project, coinciding with the NFT staking contract going live on the network. Both current projects will have at least one unique artwork and several rare/super rare creations.

After the companies implement their requested change, a staking contract will go live on the blockchain. That contract yields XER tokens (XER represents 1 USDC of art-value increase) equal to the rewards generated by auction bids on Open Sea and Christie’s Auction Houses. Via our decentralized swap exchange , DALEx, users can convert XER to USDC through a different on-chain contract.

There is a minimum APR of 8% for up to 40% after five years. As a result, a minimum of 1.4 million XER tokens are distributed to NFT stakers if the XER NFT mint sells out. 

XDALE commits the full amount required to kickstart the implementation and secure the project. Unsold NFTs will be removed from the market and burned. Rewards tied to XDALE’s capital will be kept by XDALE and allocated to other Art Patronage projects.

Who is xDALE

May 20, 2024

“The time has come,” the Walrus said,
   “To talk of many things:
Of shoes—and ships—and sealing wax—
   Of cabbages—and kings—
And why the sea is boiling hot—
   And whether pigs have wings.”  

This excerpt from the poem by Lewis Carroll about the Walrus and the Carpenter may seem somewhat irrelevant to our current economic situation, but look a bit closer and you may agree that our current situation may well be similar to the clue-less oysters. Because, while we independent brokers think that all is peace and safety we in the real estate market may be surprised by sudden destruction.  The standard small business-person are like oysters in the poem. They are sitting helpless just waiting to be shucked by the big brokerages. Their carcasses litter the metaphorical beaches of the industry. They dream of riches and high profits, being distracted by stories about a roaring market.  But roaring for whom? The Carpenter?

To that end, we at xDALE have decided to make lemonade with this scenario. We have now converted to what may be called the NFT  Model. Our token is called xERIES  (XER).

XDALE is a blockchain ecosystem; with its proprietary crypto currency The XER; You can swap XER for any other cryptocurrency on our exchange at DALEx.. 

  • The XER crypto is used to maximize customer convenience;
  • The XER provides rewards for reviewing the Platform;
  • The XER has a
    • Property-management module;
    • Mortgage module;
    • Vacation-home management module;
  • The XER is also a crowd-funding platform
    • for investing in fractionalized real estate ownership,
    • generating income,
    • Minting NFTs,
    • liquidating assets;
  • The XER does international transactions;
  • The XER is a solution for real estate wire fraud;
  • The XER has an Arbitrator Over-ride;
  • The following elements are important :
    • Trade Amount,
    • Payment deadline,
    • Monthly installments,
    • Contract duration,
    • Discounts,
    • Penalties,
    • Security deposit escrow,
    • Lease auto-renewal.
    • Cold storage of customers’ sensitive data for security and confidentiality.

Enjoy the read and stay safe! Best,




Bringing the mountain to Mohamed.

Who Needs a Realtor? Really. New York State, for instance, has toyed with the policy of their complete elimination.

Sellers and buyers alike, bridle at paying Real Estate commissions to realtors. In the case of property sales, we have seen the standard rate dwindle from 6% to 1.5% in some cases. With residential rental transactions, commissions have dwindled from 15% of the first year’s lease to “one month’s” rent.

Realtors insist on earning compensation by these commissions which have become a haggling process won usually by the most prestigious brokerages. The individual broker fights a disappointing battle. It is hard to bring Mohamed to this mountain.

Guess what? the Blockchain Phone is here!
With a blockchain phone you won’t need a central service provider to make calls and access the internet.

HTC LAUNCHES ITS BLOCKCHAIN-FOCUSED PHONE, BUT YOU CAN ONLY BUY IT IN CRYPTOCURRENCY … and that is a good thing! Because it is more secure than a ‘burner’ phone, and even more anonymous because when you communicate with a similar device there is no central Phone Company to track your affairs.

HTC’s Exodus 1 comes with a secluded area kept separate from the Android operating system it runs on to keep a customer’s cryptocurrency safe.
The blockchain-based phone is part of HTC’s shifting strategy regarding smartphones, which will prioritize software and intellectual property.
It is available for pre-order for 0.15 bitcoins or 4.78 ether tokens, which translates to about $960, and is expected to be shipped by December.

Q: What is the point of buying a blockchain phone? 
A: Blockchain can be thought of as a tamper-proof digital ledger that records data of transactions across a network that is distributed rather than centralized. Thus, it is a network with no central authority overseeing these transactions.
In the wildest dreams of enthusiasts, these devices will be a gateway to something called the decentralized web, or “Web 3.0.” In this future version of the internet, blockchains and similar technologies would support decentralized applications — “dapps” — that look and feel like the mobile apps we use today but run on public, peer-to-peer networks instead of the private servers of big tech companies. RealT is a dapp.
#1  the significance of integrating blockchain technology in the phone is that it bolsters the security and privacy of a user’s assets, and will in the future help with protecting a customer’s data and identity.
#2 With a blockchain phone you won’t need a central service provider to make calls and access the internet.
To this end,

The Real Estate industry is 99% contractual documents and 1% physical. The Physical aspect is the Construction industry. Realty is actually about the “rights” of ownership and to a lesser degree, rights of agency.. Because 80% of real estate transactions are essentially an exchange of documents like credit reports, applications, deeds, and rental agreements distributed apps convert these to incorruptible smart contracts via new technology. The market for electronic documents coexists easily with traditional paper-based methods. It is simply another arrow in your quiver. With smart contracts there is a reduced need for third party intervention in transactions; This means thousands of dollars in transaction savings. Cross-border transactions are a cakewalk. Transactions are faster by an order of magnitude. Transactions are more transparent and literally immune to fraud. And, so much more.

Why Bitbrowze?

Traditional interactions are notorious for fraud. Consequently, a host of third parties became involved, each with sometimes conflicting and even adversarial interests. As for lawyers, it is often said that lawyers spoil more deals than bad credit. And agents are paid more fees than lawyers in any transaction. The two are natural adversaries.

Bitbrowze is a “Smart-contract”. A smart contract is an App based on an underlying token. All understandings between parties are automated within the code of the app. You do not need a third party. You certainly do not need a broker. For the property owner or manager, a token is more efficient, faster, transparent, fraud-proof, cross-border, cost-effective, and …so much more.0xf67580838555D2047F5722dc6662cEfD1F97424f Download

How does the Word about  Bitbrowze spread?

In real estate, 90% of business is done by word of mouth. How can this be adapted to the world of social- distancing. The answer is Multi-level Marketing.

Harvey Rothschild (paywall) has assumed the position of c.e.o. for the direct marketing division of Rothschild Associates.
We do not advertise. Instead, we have retained Rothschild Associates for the promotion of RealT because most real estate transactions are initiated by word of mouth. The perfect marketing tool is their incorruptible MLM distributed app.

Learn more.

July’s Issue: Our ERC20 Utility Token that employs the STO crowdsource method to sell your properties via https://atlant.io/ .

August’s Issue: Title Archive Tokens. Firstly as a proprietor, you should “Futureproof” the deed to your property.

  1. First, we buy an option on your property.
  2. Second, we do due diligence such as title search.
  3. Third, we tokenize its title, i.e enumerate fractions of its value in the form of tokens.
  4. Fourth, we raise an ICO for the total asking price.
  5. Fifth, the token buyers collectively give you the asking price. You are happy. Goodbye!
  6. Sixth, we promote our token as being a better method. They collectively now own the property. They are not necessarily interested in real estate. They are interested in methods. They are betting that their tokens will increase in value as more and more people realize that this is a better way to move real estate.
  7. Seventh, the token buyer may sell some or all of their tokens at a profit to newcomers.

Our role is to promote methods. Blockchain is, indeed a better method.

JOIN OUR GROUP We welcome your input.

October 1, 2023

The weather has changed, implying an early autumn; the climate , too, has changed. This is perhaps symbolic of a change in attitudes toward the economy, society and politics in America at least. We wait to see. 

Today marks the release of the Bitbrowze platform upon which rest dApps such as RealT and Xeries. These smartcontracts usher in a new possibility to conduct business more privately and securely than ever. Blockchain technology has matured and is adopted globally for various endeavors from currency to the ballot box. 


In the previous issue, we talked about the features and benefits of two distributed Apps that can be accessed via our  BITBROWZE graphical web interface

  1. Real-T for Real Estate Management Offices and proprietors of Realty and,
  2. Xeries for Art Gallery Administrators and proprietors of Fine Art.

Bitbrowze is an interesting initiative. It reminds me of a Swiss Bank account for your transactions.

Sell or Lease anything you own via the Bitbrowze Market page. Manage your properties via the dedicated Bitbrowze/Real-T or the Bitbrowze/Xeries platform.  Your data belongs ONLY to you. No one collects your demographic database because no one but you knows your name or what you look like.

But, as your transaction is public knowledge identified by a serial number in the way a telephone number is public knowledge, that transaction is therefore transparent and above board.

A basic subscription to Bitbrowze.com is free.  You are encouraged to present your properties of Fine art or Real Estate on the Bitbrowze Market Page in a blind Auction. However, you need a wallet to get paid for your transaction. If you don’t yet have a wallet simply request one for a small fee. Otherwise, you can use your regular bank account; but then, there goes your anonymity.

The Premium subscription to Bitbrowze.com is paid. Your identifying serial number becomes a member of the xDale Directory. You get a wallet associated with that serial number. You are incentivized to refer like-minded acquaintances. Your membership serial number becomes linked to ts “ancestor”. If they repeat this process your serial number becomes the ancestor to two levels deep, etc.  An ancestor equally gets passive revenue in the form of small referral returns for all transactions,  three levels deep. 

With Bitbrowze, no one is looking over your shoulder. It’s your exclusive prerogative to declare and pay taxes to your jurisdiction. 

Enjoy the read and stay safe! Best,


  1. First, we buy an option on your property.
  2. Second, we do due diligence such as title-search.
  3. Third, we tokenize its title, i.e enumerate fractions of its value in the form of tokens.
  4. Fourth, we raise an ICO for the total asking price.
  5. Fifth, the token buyers collectively give you the asking price. You are happy. Goodbye!
  6. Sixth, we promote our token as being a better method. They collectively now own the property. They are not necessarily interested in real estate. They are interested in methods. They are betting that their tokens will increase in value as more and more people realize that this is a better way to move real estate.
  7. Seventh, the token buyer may sell some or all of their tokens at a profit to newcomers.


Enjoy the read and stay safe! Best,