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Why OurBlock?
Despite the fact that real estate advertisers profit from the illusion of their effectiveness, most real estate sales originated by word of mouth. OurBlock is a Mult-level word of mouth process via subscription to the XDALE Directory.
The first subscriber can choose to “Do Work”; or not. With a ponzi scheme you do no work. This is NOT a ponzi scheme, it is a referral system.
“Doing Work” means (1) nominating THREE or more personal acquaintances to become subscribers to OUR BLOCK. (2) Explaining the features and benefits of membership. Once this is achieved the “Work is Done”. The first subscriber then becomes “An Ancestor”. All transactions (to 10 generations of DESCENDANTS) that is done via the XDALE Directory automatically returns an AMOUNT to the wallet of the subscriber as well as to his Ancestors’ wallet.The AMOUNT is calculated in fractions of bitcoin or cash.
So as to be automatically paid, every subscriber is initially linked to a unique WALLET that has public and private KEYS.
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